Package Dimensions: 5.3 cm (L) X 14.9 cm (W) X 25.2 cm (H). Package Type: Auto Part. Package Quantity: 1. Country Of Origin: United States. Model Number: 260-15091.
Remote Reservoir Compact Master Cylinders are the perfect solution for club sport racers, small open wheel cars, or any other custom application where there is limited space for the master cylinder...
Package Dimensions: 5.2 cm (L) X 15.1 cm (W) X 25.3 cm (H). Package Type: Auto Part. Package Quantity: 1. Country Of Origin: United States. Model Number: 260-15098.
This popular lightweight, compact design is used for clutch and small master cylinder requirements and is well known for its dependability. It incorporates an improved plastic screw-on filler cap...